Harrison County Treasurer: Sherry Rushing
The office of County Treasurer was one of the foundational offices first created by the Texas Constitution in 1846, with its description being the "Chief Custodian of Money Management." It is an important office for "checks and balances" of the millions of dollars of taxpayer's monies that pass through the county government.
The Treasurer serves for four years. The County Treasurer is chief custodian of county finance, receiving all monies belonging to the county. As fiscal officer, the Treasurer invest all funds available in accordance with the Commissioner's Court. The County Treasurer is responsible for: Receiving and accounting for all county monies, applying and disbursing monies as directed by Commissioner's. The Treasurer serves as liaison between the county and the depository bank, reconciling all bank statements and making monthly financial reports to the Commissioners.
Sherry Rushing, Harrison County Treasurer
April Johnson, Chief Deputy, Accounts Receivable
Kathy Johnson, Accounts Payable Processor
Harrison County Courthouse
200 West Houston Suite 331
Marshall, Texas 75670
903-938-2693 Fax
Please see the Financial Transparency section of our web site for information related to budgets and tax rates.